English-German translation for "went"
"went" German translation
he went over his notes
er ging seine Notizen durch
he went over his notes
everything went blooey
as the weeks went by
wie die Wochen vergingen
as the weeks went by
Der Workshop verlief gut, und hier gibt es einen Feed der neu ausgebildeten Blogger aus Toamasina.
The workshop went on well and you can get the feeds of the newly trained Toamasina Bloggers here.
Source: GlobalVoices
Ich kann nur ahnen, wieviel Arbeit in ihm steckt.
I can only imagine the amount of work that went into it.
Source: Europarl
Sie stockte, stand einen Augenblick still und ging dann zu Grete zurück.
She stood very still, remained there a moment, and then went back out to Grete.
Source: Books
Der Direktor-Stellvertreter sprach noch im Weggehen über andere Dinge.
As he went, the deputy director continued to speak about other things.
Source: Books
Ich bin Krankenschwester, deshalb bin ich gleich nach oben gegangen, um zu helfen.
I am a nurse which is why I went up to see if I could give assistance.
Source: Europarl
Viele Journalisten bekamen Probleme und mussten ins Gefängnis.
Many journalists faced problems, and went to jail.
Source: GlobalVoices
- GlobalVoices
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: Global Voices
- Original database: Global Voices Parallel Corpus
- Europarl
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: Europäisches Parlament
- Original database: Europarl Parallel Corups
- Books
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: Bilingual Books
- run
- work, function, run, operate
- move, proceed
- run, move
- lead
- go away, depart
- rifle
- start
- fail, break, die, break down, give way, give out, conk out
- sound
- belong
- get, become
- survive, endure, live, last, live on, hold up, hold out
- blend, blend in
- fit
- proceed
- locomote, move, travel
- pass, choke, perish, pass away, conk, pop off, croak, exit, expire, decease, die
- plump
- move
- pass, run, lead, extend