English-German translation for "house"

"house" German translation

  • Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house building in which people live or designed for specific purpose: also people living in house
    house building in which people live or designed for specific purpose: also people living in house
  • Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house dwelling: also of animal
    Heimneuter | Neutrum n
    house dwelling: also of animal
    Wohnungfeminine | Femininum f
    house dwelling: also of animal
    house dwelling: also of animal
  • Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house running of house
    Haushaltmasculine | Maskulinum m
    house running of house
    Haushaltungfeminine | Femininum f
    house running of house
    house running of house
  • Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house family, dynasty
    Geschlechtneuter | Neutrum n
    house family, dynasty
    Familiefeminine | Femininum f
    house family, dynasty
    Dynastiefeminine | Femininum f
    house family, dynasty
    house family, dynasty
  • (Handels)Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH company
    Firmafeminine | Femininum f
    house commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH company
    house commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH company
  • Ratsversammlungfeminine | Femininum f
    house council
    Ratmasculine | Maskulinum m
    house council
    house council
  • the House of Bishops Anglican Church
    das Haus der Bischöfe
    the House of Bishops Anglican Church
  • Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house theatre, theater | TheaterTHEAT audience
    house theatre, theater | TheaterTHEAT audience
  • a full (small) house
    ein volles (schlecht besetztes) Haus
    a full (small) house
  • to bring down the house familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
    stürmischen Beifall auslösen
    to bring down the house familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
  • to bring down the house familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
    Lachstürme entfesseln
    to bring down the house familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
  • (Theater)Vorstellungfeminine | Femininum f
    house performance
    house performance
  • Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house school | SchulwesenSCHULE
    house school | SchulwesenSCHULE
  • Wohnheimneuter | Neutrum n
    house student hall at English college school | SchulwesenSCHULE
    house student hall at English college school | SchulwesenSCHULE
  • Collegeneuter | Neutrum n
    house college school | SchulwesenSCHULE
    house college school | SchulwesenSCHULE
  • Schlafsaalmasculine | Maskulinum m
    house college dormitory school | SchulwesenSCHULE
    house college dormitory school | SchulwesenSCHULE
  • die im College wohnenden Studenten
    house koll (students living in college) school | SchulwesenSCHULE
    house koll (students living in college) school | SchulwesenSCHULE
  • Internatneuter | Neutrum n
    house school | SchulwesenSCHULE boarding school
    (Wohn-, Pensions)Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house school | SchulwesenSCHULE boarding school
    house school | SchulwesenSCHULE boarding school
  • Ordenmasculine | Maskulinum m
    house religion | ReligionREL of religious order
    Ordenshausneuter | Neutrum n
    house religion | ReligionREL of religious order
    Ordensgemeinschaftfeminine | Femininum f
    house religion | ReligionREL of religious order
    house religion | ReligionREL of religious order
  • the House → see „House of Commons,“ „House of Lords,“ „House of Representatives
    the House → see „House of Commons,“ „House of Lords,“ „House of Representatives
  • the House London Stock Exchange
    die Londoner Börse
    the House London Stock Exchange
  • the House
    Christ Church (College in Oxford)
    the House
  • the House euphemism | euphemistisch, beschönigendeuph
    Armenhausneuter | Neutrum n
    the House euphemism | euphemistisch, beschönigendeuph
  • Wirtshausneuter | Neutrum n
    house pub, inn familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
    house pub, inn familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
  • on the house
    auf Kosten des Gastwirts
    on the house
  • (Himmels)Hausneuter | Neutrum n
    house astronomy | AstronomieASTRON division of sky
    house astronomy | AstronomieASTRON division of sky
  • Tierkreiszeichen
    house astronomy | AstronomieASTRON astrological symbol given to planet
    house astronomy | AstronomieASTRON astrological symbol given to planet
  • (Art) Lottospielneuter | Neutrum n
    house keno
    house keno
  • Feldneuter | Neutrum n
    house of chessboard obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
    house of chessboard obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs

  • (in einem Hausor | oder od einer Wohnung) unterbringen
    house accommodate in house or flat
    house accommodate in house or flat
  • aufnehmen
    house take in into house
    house take in into house
  • bergen
    house nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF rescue
    house nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF rescue
  • streichen
    house nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF strike top-gallant mast
    house nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF strike top-gallant mast
  • in sichere Lage bringen, zurren
    house nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF secure
    house nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF secure
  • beherbergen
    house provide shelter for
    als Behausung dienen (dative (case) | Dativdat)
    house provide shelter for
    house provide shelter for
  • verzapfen, einzapfen
    house in carpentry: mortice
    house in carpentry: mortice
intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i

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Alles, was Assads Leute wollen, ist in ihre großen Häuser zurückzukehren.
All Assad s people ’ want is to go back to their big houses.
Source: GlobalVoices
Leider geht dies zu Lasten von Mitgliedstaaten, die heute schon perfekte Regelungen getroffen haben.
This, unfortunately, is at the expense of Member States which already have their house in order.
Source: Europarl
Mal da unten beim Schlachthaus.
Once down by the slaughter-house.
Source: Books
Er muß doch mit der Hausfrau ein paar Worte sprechen, sagte Ljewin zu sich selbst.
He must say something to the mistress of the house, ' Levin told himself.
Source: Books
Da merkt man, daß manche Herrschaften schon sehr lange in einem Glashaus in Brüssel sitzen.
It is obvious that some people have been living in glass houses in Brussels for a very long time.
Source: Europarl
Sollte sie in diesem Fall nicht der Frau gleichgestellt werden?
Should not the house-maid be treated on par with the wife?
Source: GlobalVoices
Vor Jahrzehnten gab es in Bukarest viele winzige Häuser mit Höfen und kleinen Gärten.
Decades ago, Bucharest held many tiny houses, with courtyards and small gardens.
Source: News-Commentary
Es lässt sich nicht genau sagen, wie viel weiter die Häuserpreise noch fallen werden.
We cannot be sure about how much further house prices will fall.
Source: News-Commentary
Es waren Buchhandlungen, die einen Reichtum an Kultur beherbergten.
Those were bookshops which housed a wealth of culture
Source: GlobalVoices
Vielleicht wird man demnächst auch Mozart von den internationalen Opernbühnen streichen.
Perhaps we shall soon see Mozart banned from international opera houses.
Source: Europarl
noun | Substantiv s

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  • (Pferde)Deckefeminine | Femininum f
    house history | GeschichteHIST horse blanket, saddle cloth
    Satteldeckefeminine | Femininum f
    house history | GeschichteHIST horse blanket, saddle cloth
    house history | GeschichteHIST horse blanket, saddle cloth
transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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house of call
house of call
a licensed house
ein Lokal mit Konzession zum Ausschank alkoholischer Getränke
a licensed house
rustic house
a two-storeyed house
ein zweistöckiges Haus
a two-storeyed house
religious house
Ordenshaus, Kloster
religious house
a well situated house
ein schön gelegenes Haus
a well situated house
forcing house
dwelling house
a house of stone
ein Haus aus Stein
a house of stone
to keep open house
ein offenesor | oder od gastfreies Haus führen
to keep open house
terraceed house
terraceed house
elegantes Bordell
assignation house
a smart house
ein hübsches Haus
a smart house
verrufenes Haus, Bordell
disorderly house
also | aucha. house martin
Haus-, Mehlschwalbefeminine | Femininum f
also | aucha. house martin
a brick house
ein massives Haus
a brick house
Alles, was Assads Leute wollen, ist in ihre großen Häuser zurückzukehren.
All Assad s people ’ want is to go back to their big houses.
Source: GlobalVoices
Leider geht dies zu Lasten von Mitgliedstaaten, die heute schon perfekte Regelungen getroffen haben.
This, unfortunately, is at the expense of Member States which already have their house in order.
Source: Europarl
Mal da unten beim Schlachthaus.
Once down by the slaughter-house.
Source: Books
Er muß doch mit der Hausfrau ein paar Worte sprechen, sagte Ljewin zu sich selbst.
He must say something to the mistress of the house, ' Levin told himself.
Source: Books
Da merkt man, daß manche Herrschaften schon sehr lange in einem Glashaus in Brüssel sitzen.
It is obvious that some people have been living in glass houses in Brussels for a very long time.
Source: Europarl
Sollte sie in diesem Fall nicht der Frau gleichgestellt werden?
Should not the house-maid be treated on par with the wife?
Source: GlobalVoices
Vor Jahrzehnten gab es in Bukarest viele winzige Häuser mit Höfen und kleinen Gärten.
Decades ago, Bucharest held many tiny houses, with courtyards and small gardens.
Source: News-Commentary
Es lässt sich nicht genau sagen, wie viel weiter die Häuserpreise noch fallen werden.
We cannot be sure about how much further house prices will fall.
Source: News-Commentary
Es waren Buchhandlungen, die einen Reichtum an Kultur beherbergten.
Those were bookshops which housed a wealth of culture
Source: GlobalVoices
Vielleicht wird man demnächst auch Mozart von den internationalen Opernbühnen streichen.
Perhaps we shall soon see Mozart banned from international opera houses.
Source: Europarl

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