[eid]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tOverview of all translations
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- fördernaid promoteaid promote
- steuernaid engineering | TechnikTECH steeraid engineering | TechnikTECH steer
[eid]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/iOverview of all translations
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[eid]noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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- Hilfefeminine | Femininum f (to für)aid helpHilfeleistungfeminine | Femininum f (in bei)aid helpUnterstützungfeminine | Femininum faid helpBeistandmasculine | Maskulinum maid helpaid help
- Hilfsmittelneuter | Neutrum naid means of helpaid means of help
- Geldleistungenplural | Plural pl an den König Lehensherrn (money paid to king or feudal lord)aid history | GeschichteHIST <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>aid history | GeschichteHIST <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>
- Rechtshilfefeminine | Femininum faid legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR mutual assistanceaid legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR mutual assistance