[glæd]adjective | Adjektiv adj <comparative | Komparativkomp gladder; superlative | Superlativsup gladdest; predicative(ly) | prädikativpräd>Overview of all translations
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- froh, erfreulichglad welcome, pleasantglad welcome, pleasant
- glad tidingsfrohe Nachricht
- glad beautiful, glorious obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
- glad syn → see „cheerful“glad syn → see „cheerful“
- glad → see „happy“glad → see „happy“
- glad → see „joyful“glad → see „joyful“
- glad → see „joyous(ness)“glad → see „joyous(ness)“
- glad → see „lighthearted“glad → see „lighthearted“
[glæd]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t &intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprätpast participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf gladded> obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobsOverview of all translations
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