English-German translation for "shooting"

"shooting" German translation

  • Schießenneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting firing
    Feuernneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting firing
    Schießereifeminine | Femininum f
    shooting firing
    shooting firing
  • Erschießenneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting killing
    Erschießungfeminine | Femininum f
    shooting killing
    Anschlagmasculine | Maskulinum m
    shooting killing
    shooting killing
  • Schießenneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting sports | SportSPORT at goal
    shooting sports | SportSPORT at goal
  • Stechenneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting pain figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    stechender Schmerz
    shooting pain figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    shooting pain figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • Schießenneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting of plant
    shooting of plant
  • Jagenneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD
    Jagdfeminine | Femininum f
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD
  • Jagdberechtigungfeminine | Femininum f
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD right to hunt
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD right to hunt
  • Jagdrevierneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD hunting ground
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD hunting ground
  • Drehenneuter | Neutrum n
    shooting of film
    Dreharbeitenplural | Plural pl
    shooting of film
    shooting of film
[ˈʃuːtiŋ]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • schießend, Schuss…, Schieß…
  • stechend
    shooting figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    shooting figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • jagend, Jagd…
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD
    shooting hunting | JagdJAGD
the child is shooting up
das Kind schießt in die Höhe
the child is shooting up
he wound up by shooting himself
zu guter Letzt erschoss er sich
he wound up by shooting himself
the whole shooting match
alles, das Ganze
the whole shooting match
also | aucha. shooting iron
Schießeisenneuter | Neutrum n
also | aucha. shooting iron
also | aucha. battue shooting
Treibjagdfeminine | Femininum f
also | aucha. battue shooting
shooting (or | oderod falling) star
shooting (or | oderod falling) star
also | aucha. shooting iron
Schwertneuter | Neutrum n
also | aucha. shooting iron
shooting saloon
shooting saloon
Außerdem nehmen Tausende von Menschen in ihrer Freizeit an Schießveranstaltungen teil.
Many thousands of people also take part in shooting activities in their leisure time.
Source: Europarl
RIESIGES Explosionsgeräusch& es wird viel geschossen
HUGE explosion sound& lots of shooting
Source: GlobalVoices
Diese Maßnahmen hätten das Attentat von Arizona vielleicht verhindern können.
Such measures might have prevented the Arizona shootings.
Source: News-Commentary
Bosnier und Kroaten finden Arbeit für diejenigen, die gestern noch auf sie geschossen haben.
Bosniaks and Croats are today finding jobs for those who were shooting them yesterday.
Source: GlobalVoices
Andernfalls schneiden wir uns ins eigene Fleisch.
Otherwise, we may be shooting ourselves in the foot.
Source: Europarl
Grund für meine Entscheidung ist das Festhalten Maltas an der Zugvogeljagd.
The reason for my decision is Malta's persistence in shooting migratory birds.
Source: Europarl
Ich nehme meine Videos vom Dach aus auf, zu gefährlich für Ausländer auf der Straße.
I'm shooting video from rooftops, too dangerous for foreigners on street.
Source: GlobalVoices
Wo sonst auf Erden findet man einen atombewaffneten, Raketen abschießenden Bettler wie Kim Jong-il?
Where on earth can you see a nuclear-armed, missile-shooting panhandler such as Kim Jong-il?
Source: News-Commentary
Auch der maoistischen Kollektivierung folgten Massenerschießungen.
Maoist collectivization, too, was followed by mass shooting campaigns.
Source: News-Commentary
Ichvermute, dass der Beschuss von Reportern absichtlich geschah.
I suspected that the shooting of the reporters seemed intentional.
Source: GlobalVoices
Warum also schießen und töten, wenn man dasselbe Ziel auch ohne Schießen und Töten erreichen kann?
Why, therefore, should we shoot and kill, when we can have everything without shooting and killing?
Source: Europarl

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