German-English translation for "beieinander"

"beieinander" English translation

Adverb | adverb adv

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Neutrum | neuter n <Beieinanders>

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nun habe ich endlich das Geld beieinander
nun habe ich endlich das Geld beieinander
sie saßen traulich beieinander
they were sitting together cozily amerikanisches Englisch | American EnglishUS
they were sitting together cosily britisches Englisch | British EnglishBr
sie saßen traulich beieinander
Tom and Mary stood very close to each other.
Tom und Maria standen sehr dicht beieinander.
Source: Tatoeba
Sex and death, how close they can seem.
Sex und Tod, wie nah beieinander sie manchmal scheinen.
Source: TED
Tom and Mary were standing close to each other.
Tom und Mary standen nahe beieinander.
Source: Tatoeba
Tom and Mary were sitting on the sofa very close to each other.
Tom und Mary saßen eng beieinander auf dem Sofa.
Source: Tatoeba
We're going to have to live closer to each other.
Wir werden näher beieinander leben müssen.
Source: TED
Polio and rhino: they're in the same family, very close to each other.
Polio und Rhino: sie gehören zur selben Familien, ganz nah beieinander.
Source: TED
Tom and Mary sat on the couch very close together.
Tom und Maria saßen sehr dicht beieinander auf dem Sofa.
Source: Tatoeba
There's a fine line between love and hate.
Liebe und Hass wohnen dicht beieinander.
Source: Tatoeba
BJ: And of course, through the night, they lay together.
BJ: Und sie lagen nachts beieinander.
Source: TED
What that means, of course, is that, in the past, things were closer together.
Was das natürlich bedeutet, ist, dass die Dinge in der Vergangenheit näher beieinander lagen.
Source: TED

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