[ˈvəː(r)dʒin]noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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- Jungfraufeminine | Femininum fvirgin woman who has never had sexual intercoursevirgin woman who has never had sexual intercourse
- jungfräulicher Mannvirgin man who has never had sexual intercoursevirgin man who has never had sexual intercourse
- Madonnafeminine | Femininum f (Marienbildnis)virgin religion | ReligionREL artistic portrayalvirgin religion | ReligionREL artistic portrayal
- (heilige) Jungfrauvirgin religion | ReligionREL woman dedicated to God who has taken vow of chastityvirgin religion | ReligionREL woman dedicated to God who has taken vow of chastity
- unbegattetes Weibchenvirgin zoology | ZoologieZOOL female without matevirgin zoology | ZoologieZOOL female without mate
- unbefruchtetes Insektvirgin zoology | ZoologieZOOL insect which has not matedvirgin zoology | ZoologieZOOL insect which has not mated
- Weibchenneuter | Neutrum n mit parthenogenetischer Fortpflanzungvirgin zoology | ZoologieZOOL female which reproduces parthenogeneticallyvirgin zoology | ZoologieZOOL female which reproduces parthenogenetically
[ˈvəː(r)dʒin]adjective | Adjektiv adjOverview of all translations
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- jungfräulich, rein, unberührtvirgin pure, untouchedvirgin pure, untouched
- Virgin Mother religion | ReligionRELMuttergottesfeminine | Femininum f
- the Virgin Queen history | GeschichteHISTdie jungfräuliche Königin (Elisabeth I. von England)
- züchtig, jungfräulich, Jungfrauen…virgin virtuous, modestvirgin virtuous, modest
- jungfräulich, rein, unbeflecktvirgin pure, unsulliedvirgin pure, unsullied
- rein, unvermischtvirgin engineering | TechnikTECH elements, materials: not mixedvirgin engineering | TechnikTECH elements, materials: not mixed
- gediegen, jungfräulichvirgin engineering | TechnikTECH metalsvirgin engineering | TechnikTECH metals
- aus erster Pressungvirgin engineering | TechnikTECH oilsvirgin engineering | TechnikTECH oils
- frei (of von)virgin rare | seltenselten (unused, inexperienced)noch ungewohnt, unerfahrenvirgin rare | seltenselten (unused, inexperienced)virgin rare | seltenselten (unused, inexperienced)
- virgin to sorrows(noch) unbekümmert