English-German translation for "triangle inequality"

"triangle inequality" German translation

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[ˈtraiæŋgl]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Dreieckneuter | Neutrum n
    triangle mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    triangle mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
  • Triangelmasculine | Maskulinum m
    triangle musical term | MusikMUS percussion instrument
    triangle musical term | MusikMUS percussion instrument
  • Spinett
    triangle musical term | MusikMUS history | GeschichteHIST dreieckiges
    triangle musical term | MusikMUS history | GeschichteHIST dreieckiges
  • triangle and rod
    Triangeland | und u. Schlagstab
    triangle and rod
  • Reißdreieckneuter | Neutrum n
    triangle engineering | TechnikTECH
    triangle engineering | TechnikTECH
  • Winkelmasculine | Maskulinum m
    triangle engineering | TechnikTECH set square
    Dreieckneuter | Neutrum n
    triangle engineering | TechnikTECH set square
    triangle engineering | TechnikTECH set square
  • Gestängekreuzneuter | Neutrum n
    triangle engineering | TechnikTECH tripod
    triangle engineering | TechnikTECH tripod
  • Triangle astronomy | AstronomieASTRON constellation
    Triangelmasculine | Maskulinum m
    Dreieckneuter | Neutrum n
    Triangle astronomy | AstronomieASTRON constellation
  • Dreieck(sverhältnis)neuter | Neutrum n
    triangle love relationship figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    triangle love relationship figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig

  • Unebenheitfeminine | Femininum f
    inequality unevenness
    inequality unevenness
  • Ungleichheitfeminine | Femininum f
    inequality sociology | SoziologieSOZIOL
    inequality sociology | SoziologieSOZIOL
  • Unzulänglichkeitfeminine | Femininum f (to für)
    inequality rare | seltenselten (inadequacy)
    inequality rare | seltenselten (inadequacy)
  • Ungerechtigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    inequality unfairness
    inequality unfairness
  • Abweichungfeminine | Femininum f
    inequality astronomy | AstronomieASTRON of heavenly body
    inequality astronomy | AstronomieASTRON of heavenly body
  • Ungleichheitfeminine | Femininum f
    inequality mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    inequality mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
  • Ungleichungfeminine | Femininum f
    inequality mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    inequality mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
[iniˈkweiʃən; -ʒən]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Ungleichungfeminine | Femininum f
    inequation mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    inequation mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
, inequity [-witi; -wə-]noun | Substantiv s

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adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • rechtwink(e)lig
    right-angled mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    right-angled mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
  • senkrecht aufeinanderstehend
    right-angled mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH perpendicular
    right-angled mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH perpendicular
[skeiˈliːn]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • ungleichseitig, schiefwink(e)lig
    scalene mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH figure
    scalene mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH figure
  • schief
    scalene body mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    scalene body mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
  • den Scalenus betreffend
    scalene medicine | MedizinMED
    scalene medicine | MedizinMED
[skeiˈliːn]noun | Substantiv s

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  • schiefwink(e)liges Dreieck
    scalene mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    scalene mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
  • Scalenusmasculine | Maskulinum m
    scalene medicine | MedizinMED scalenus
    Rippenhaltermasculine | Maskulinum m
    scalene medicine | MedizinMED scalenus
    scalene medicine | MedizinMED scalenus
circular triangle
noun | Substantiv s

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  • sphärisches Dreieck, Kugeldreieckneuter | Neutrum n
    circular triangle mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    Kreisbogendreieckneuter | Neutrum n
    circular triangle mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH
    circular triangle mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH

  • unaufhörlich, ewig, dauernd
    eternal constant familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
    eternal constant familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
  • unabänderlich
    eternal immutable: law, truth
    eternal immutable: law, truth
  • ewig, ewigeor | oder od göttliche Dinge betreffend, ewige Folgen habend
    eternal relating to eternal things figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    eternal relating to eternal things figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
[iˈtəː(r)nl]noun | Substantiv s

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  • the Eternal
    der Ewige (Gott)
    the Eternal
  • ewige Dingeplural | Plural pl
    eternal eternal things <plural | Pluralpl>
    eternal eternal things <plural | Pluralpl>
right triangle
noun | Substantiv s

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  • rechtwink(e)liges Dreieck
    right triangle
    right triangle
warning triangle
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Warndreieckneuter | Neutrum n
    warning triangle automobiles | AutoAUTO
    warning triangle automobiles | AutoAUTO