German-English translation for "festered"

"festered" English translation

[ˈfestə(r)]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i

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  • nagen, um sich fressen
    fester gnaw: of feeling figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    fester gnaw: of feeling figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
[ˈfestə(r)]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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  • zum Schwären bringen
    fester rare | seltenselten (cause to supurate)
    fester rare | seltenselten (cause to supurate)
  • zerfressen, zernagen
    fester gnaw at figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    fester gnaw at figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
[ˈfestə(r)]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Geschwürneuter | Neutrum n
    fester medicine | MedizinMED ulcer, fistula
    Fistelfeminine | Femininum f
    fester medicine | MedizinMED ulcer, fistula
    fester medicine | MedizinMED ulcer, fistula
  • kleine eiternde Wunde, Pustelfeminine | Femininum f
    fester pustule
    fester pustule
[wuːnd]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Verletzungfeminine | Femininum f
    wound botany | BotanikBOT
    Einschnittmasculine | Maskulinum m
    wound botany | BotanikBOT
    Rissmasculine | Maskulinum m
    wound botany | BotanikBOT
    wound botany | BotanikBOT
  • Kränkungfeminine | Femininum f
    wound offence figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    Verletzungfeminine | Femininum f
    wound offence figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    Beleidigungfeminine | Femininum f
    wound offence figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    wound offence figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • Liebeskummermasculine | Maskulinum m
    wound lovesickness poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
    wound lovesickness poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
  • Wundefeminine | Femininum f
    wound bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
    Wundmalneuter | Neutrum n
    wound bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
    wound bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
[wuːnd]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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  • kränken, verletzen, beleidigen
    wound figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    wound figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
[wuːnd]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i

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