„krachend“: Adjektiv | Adverb krachendAdjektiv | adjective adj &Adverb | adverb adv Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) the bomb went off with a loud explosion... the mirror crashed to the floor... to lose spectacularly... to be a spectacular failure... examples die Tür fiel krachend ins Schloss the door banged (oder | orod slammed) to die Tür fiel krachend ins Schloss die Bombe explodierte krachend the bomb went off with a loud explosion die Bombe explodierte krachend der Spiegel fiel krachend zu Boden the mirror crashed to the floor der Spiegel fiel krachend zu Boden krachend verlieren hoch to lose spectacularly krachend verlieren hoch krachend scheitern figurativ, in übertragenem Sinn | figurative(ly)fig to be a spectacular failure krachend scheitern figurativ, in übertragenem Sinn | figurative(ly)fig hide examplesshow examples