German-English translation for "journaliste"

"journaliste" English translation

[ʒʊrnaˈlɪst]Maskulinum | masculine m <Journalisten; Journalisten>

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  • journalist
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Journalist(in)
  • Zeitungsschriftsteller(in), Mitarbeiter(in) einer Zeitung
    journalist writer for a newspaper
    journalist writer for a newspaper
  • Schriftleiter(in)
    journalist editor of a newspaper
    journalist editor of a newspaper
  • Tagebuchschreiber(in)
    journalist person keeping a journal
    journalist person keeping a journal
[pʊlk]Maskulinum | masculine m <Pulk(e)s; Pulks; selten Pulke>

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  • flight
    Pulk Luftfahrt | aviationFLUG Militär, militärisch | military termMIL
    Pulk Luftfahrt | aviationFLUG Militär, militärisch | military termMIL
  • pack
    Pulk Sport | sportsSPORT
    Pulk Sport | sportsSPORT
    Pulk Sport | sportsSPORT
  • crowd
    Pulk größere Ansammlung
    Pulk größere Ansammlung
  • im Pulk erscheinen
    to turn up in droves
    im Pulk erscheinen
  • ein Pulk von Menschen [Journalisten]
    a huge crowd of people [journalists]
    ein Pulk von Menschen [Journalisten]
Femininum | feminine f

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freelance journalist
noun | Substantiv s

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  • freie(r) Journalist(in)
    freelance journalist
    freelance journalist
print journalist
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Zeitungsjournalist(in)
    print journalist
    print journalist
investigative journalist
noun | Substantiv s

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  • investigate(r) Journalist(in)
    investigative journalist
    investigative journalist
television journalist
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Fernsehjournalist(in)
    television journalist
    television journalist
broadcasting journalist
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Rundfunk-, Fernsehjournalist(in)
    broadcasting journalist
    broadcasting journalist