[ˈsækrəmənt]noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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- Sakramentneuter | Neutrum nsacrament religion | ReligionRELsacrament religion | ReligionREL
- the Sacrament, the sacrament (of the altar)das Altar(s)sakrament, das Sakrament des Altars
- the Sacrament, the sacrament (of the altar) in Protestant Churchdas (heilige) Abendmahl
- the Sacrament, the sacrament (of the altar) in Roman Catholic Churchdie heilige Kommunion
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- heiliges feierliches Bündnissacrament alliancesacrament alliance
- Mysteriumneuter | Neutrum nsacrament mysterysacrament mystery
- Heiliges Mystischessacramentsacrament
[ˈsækrəmənt]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tOverview of all translations
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