[ˈhaidʒæk]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tOverview of all translations
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- entführenhijack take over vehicle by forcehijack take over vehicle by force
- an sich reißenhijack meetinget cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfighijack meetinget cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
- (auf dem Weg) überfallenand | und u. ihrer Ware beraubenhijack smugglers: attack and steal their goods in transithijack smugglers: attack and steal their goods in transit
[ˈhaidʒæk]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/iOverview of all translations
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- Raubüberfälle auf Schmuggler(fahrzeuge) ausübenhijack attack smugglershijack attack smugglers
- Straßenraub betreibenhijack conduct highway robberyhijack conduct highway robbery
[ˈhaidʒæk]noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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- Flugzeugentführungfeminine | Femininum fhijackhijack
- Überfallmasculine | Maskulinum mhijack raidhijack raid