English-German translation for "ed"
"ed" German translation
Als Lionel mit seiner Bäckerei anfing, haben die Franzosen abgewinkt.
And when Lionel started his bakery the French pooh-pooh-ed it.
Source: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ed_boyden. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ed_ boyden. html
Source: TED
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: WIT³
- Original text source: TED
- Original database: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
Als Lionel mit seiner Bäckerei anfing, haben die Franzosen abgewinkt.
And when Lionel started his bakery the French pooh-pooh-ed it.
Source: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ ed_boyden. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ ed_ boyden. html
Source: TED
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: WIT³
- Original text source: TED
- Original database: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
"ED" German translation
abbreviation | Abkürzung abk (= emergency department)Overview of all translations
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