[ˈdeinti]adjective | Adjektiv adjOverview of all translations
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- wählerisch, verwöhnt, eigen, anspruchsvolldainty spoileddainty spoiled
- feinfühlig, empfindsam, -lich, zartfühlenddainty sensitivedainty sensitive
- geziert, überfein, zimperlichdainty prissydainty prissy
- delikat, schmackhaft, erlesendainty tastydainty tasty
- dainty syn → see „choice“dainty syn → see „choice“
[ˈdeinti]noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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- Delikatessefeminine | Femininum fdainty small piece of choice foodLeckerbissenmasculine | Maskulinum mdainty small piece of choice foodNäschereifeminine | Femininum fdainty small piece of choice fooddainty small piece of choice food
- Genussmasculine | Maskulinum mdainty treatKöstlichkeitfeminine | Femininum fdainty treatdainty treat