English-German translation for "gore"
"gore" German translation
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ jill_sobule_sings_to_al_gore. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ jill_ sobule_ sings_ to_ al_ gore. html
Source: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ al_gore_s_new_thinking_on_the_climate_crisis. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ al_ gore_ s_ new_ thinking_ on_ the_ climate_ crisis. html
Source: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ al_gore_on_averting_climate_crisis. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ al_ gore_ on_ averting_ climate_ crisis. html
Source: TED
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: WIT³
- Original text source: TED
- Original database: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
[gɔː(r)]noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
(For more details, click/tap on the translation)
- Zwickelmasculine | Maskulinum mgore on sailKeil(stückneuter | Neutrum n)masculine | Maskulinum mgore on sailGehrefeminine | Femininum fgore on sailgore on sail
- (Rock)Bahnfeminine | Femininum fgoregore
- gore triangular piece of land dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
- schmaler Landstreifengore narrow strip of land American English | amerikanisches EnglischUSgore narrow strip of land American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS
[gɔː(r)]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tOverview of all translations
(For more details, click/tap on the translation)
- keilförmig zuschneidengore cut into wedge-shapegore cut into wedge-shape
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ jill_sobule_sings_to_al_gore. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ jill_ sobule_ sings_ to_ al_ gore. html
Source: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ al_gore_s_new_thinking_on_the_climate_crisis. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ al_ gore_ s_ new_ thinking_ on_ the_ climate_ crisis. html
Source: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ al_gore_on_averting_climate_crisis. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ al_ gore_ on_ averting_ climate_ crisis. html
Source: TED
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: WIT³
- Original text source: TED
- Original database: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
[gɔː(r)]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tOverview of all translations
(For more details, click/tap on the translation)
- durchbohren, aufspießengore with hornsgore with horns
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ jill_sobule_sings_to_al_gore. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ jill_ sobule_ sings_ to_ al_ gore. html
Source: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ al_gore_s_new_thinking_on_the_climate_crisis. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ al_ gore_ s_ new_ thinking_ on_ the_ climate_ crisis. html
Source: TED
http: //www. ted. com/ talks/ lang/ de/ al_gore_on_averting_climate_crisis. html
http: // www. ted. com/ talks/ al_ gore_ on_ averting_ climate_ crisis. html
Source: TED
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: WIT³
- Original text source: TED
- Original database: TED Talk Parallel Corpus