adjective | Adjektiv adjOverview of all translations
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- dominierend, (vor)herrschenddominant rulingdominant ruling
- dominant tenement legal term, law | RechtswesenJURherrschendes Grundstück (bei Servituten)
- tonangebenddominant decisive, determiningdominant decisive, determining
- beherrschend, überragend, emporragend, weithin sichtbardominant in commanding position, visible from afardominant in commanding position, visible from afar
- Dominant…dominant musical term | MusikMUSdominant musical term | MusikMUS
- dominant syn → see „paramount“dominant syn → see „paramount“
- dominant → see „predominant“dominant → see „predominant“
- dominant → see „preponderant“dominant → see „preponderant“
- dominant → see „sovereign“dominant → see „sovereign“
noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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