[əˈbɔː(r)tiv]adjective | Adjektiv adjOverview of all translations
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- fehlgeschlagen, misslungen, fruchtlos, verfehlt, gescheitertabortive failedabortive failed
- to prove abortivesich als Fehlschlag erweisen, misslingen
- abortive call telecommunications telecommunications | Telefon, Nachrichtentechnik, Telekommunikation Telefon, Nachrichtentechnik, TelekommunikationTELabgebrochener Anruf
- verkümmert, unvollkommen (entwickelt) (Organ)abortive biology | BiologieBIOL incompletely developedabortive biology | BiologieBIOL incompletely developed
- fortgefallenabortive biology | BiologieBIOL part which is normally presentabortive biology | BiologieBIOL part which is normally present
- steril, taub, unfruchtbarabortive botany | BotanikBOT sterileabortive botany | BotanikBOT sterile
- abortierend, Frühgeburt verursachend, abtreibendabortive medicine | MedizinMED causing abortionabortive medicine | MedizinMED causing abortion
- im Anfangsstadium heilendabortive medicine | MedizinMED curing disease in early stagesabortive medicine | MedizinMED curing disease in early stages
[əˈbɔː(r)tiv]noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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- Abortiv-, Abtreibungsmittelneuter | Neutrum nabortive medicine | MedizinMEDabortive medicine | MedizinMED