Adjektiv | adjectif (qualificatif) adjOverview of all translations
(For more details, click/tap on the translation)
- financierfinanziellfinanziell
- die finanziellen VerhältnisseNeutrum | neutre nPlural | pluriel plla situation financière
- finanzielle InteressenNeutrum | neutre nPlural | pluriel plintérêts financiers, pécuniaires
- finanzielle SchwierigkeitenFemininum Plural | féminin pluriel fpldifficultés financièresembarrasMaskulinum Plural | masculin pluriel mpl pécuniaires
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Adverb | adverbe advOverview of all translations
(For more details, click/tap on the translation)
- financièrementfinanziellfinanziell
- finanziell