English-German translation for "flower garland"

"flower garland" German translation

Did you mean ale garland?
garland flower
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Kranzblumefeminine | Femininum f
    garland flower botany | BotanikBOT Gattg Hedychium
    garland flower botany | BotanikBOT Gattg Hedychium
  • Steinröschenneuter | Neutrum n
    garland flower botany | BotanikBOT Daphne cneorum
    Wohlriechender Seidelbast
    garland flower botany | BotanikBOT Daphne cneorum
    garland flower botany | BotanikBOT Daphne cneorum
  • Südafr. Heidekrautneuter | Neutrum n
    garland flower botany | BotanikBOT Erica persoluta
    garland flower botany | BotanikBOT Erica persoluta
, Hamlin [ˈgɑː(r)lənd]

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  • Amer. Romanschriftsteller 1860-1940

  • Blumefeminine | Femininum f
    flower plant producing blossom
    flower plant producing blossom
  • cut flower
    cut flower
  • Blütefeminine | Femininum f
    flower botany | BotanikBOT blossom
    flower botany | BotanikBOT blossom
  • Blüte(zeit)feminine | Femininum f
    flower blossoming period
    flower blossoming period
  • (das) Besteor | oder od Feinste, Auslesefeminine | Femininum f
    flower best or finest thing
    flower best or finest thing
  • Blütefeminine | Femininum f
    flower credit: to familyet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    Zierdefeminine | Femininum f
    flower credit: to familyet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    Schmuckmasculine | Maskulinum m
    flower credit: to familyet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    flower credit: to familyet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • (Blumen)Ornamentneuter | Neutrum n, (-)Verzierungfeminine | Femininum f
    flower flowerry decoration
    flower flowerry decoration
  • Redeblütefeminine | Femininum f
    flower rare | seltenselten (flowery expression) figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    Floskelfeminine | Femininum f
    flower rare | seltenselten (flowery expression) figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    flower rare | seltenselten (flowery expression) figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • Vignettefeminine | Femininum f
    flower BUCHDRUCK
    Blumenverzierungfeminine | Femininum f
    flower BUCHDRUCK
    flower BUCHDRUCK
  • Blumefeminine | Femininum f
    flower dyeing
    Schaummasculine | Maskulinum m
    flower dyeing
    flower dyeing
  • pulveriger Niederschlag, Blumenplural | Plural pl
    flower chemistry | ChemieCHEM <plural | Pluralpl>
    flower chemistry | ChemieCHEM <plural | Pluralpl>
  • flowers of sulphur <plural | Pluralpl>
    flowers of sulphur <plural | Pluralpl>
  • Kahmhautfeminine | Femininum f
    flower rare | seltenselten (layer of mould on fermenting wine) <plural | Pluralpl>
    flower rare | seltenselten (layer of mould on fermenting wine) <plural | Pluralpl>
  • Blumenstickereifeminine | Femininum f
    flower religion | ReligionREL embroidery on chasuble
    flower religion | ReligionREL embroidery on chasuble
[ˈflauə(r)]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i

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  • blühen
    flower blossom
    flower blossom
  • voller Blumenor | oder od Blüten sein
    flower be full of blossoms
    flower be full of blossoms
  • blühen, in höchster Blüte stehen
    flower blossom figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    flower blossom figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • often | oftoft flower out develop fully figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    sich entfalten, sich voll entwickeln (into zu)
    often | oftoft flower out develop fully figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
[ˈflauə(r)]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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  • mit (künstlichen) Blumenor | oder od Blüten (be)decken
    flower cover with flowers
    flower cover with flowers
  • mit Blumen(mustern) verzierenor | oder od schmücken, blüme(l)n
    flower decorate with flowers
    flower decorate with flowers
  • zur Blüte bringen
    flower gardening:, cause to blossom
    flower gardening:, cause to blossom
  • blühen lassen
    flower gardening:, allow to blossom
    flower gardening:, allow to blossom
[ˈflauə(r)]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • Blumen…, Blüten…
[ˈgɑː(r)lənd]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Girlandefeminine | Femininum f
    garland wreath of flowers
    Blumengewindeneuter | Neutrum n, -gehängeneuter | Neutrum n
    garland wreath of flowers
    Kranzmasculine | Maskulinum m
    garland wreath of flowers
    garland wreath of flowers
  • Anthologiefeminine | Femininum f
    garland rare | seltenselten (anthology)
    Blumenlesefeminine | Femininum f
    garland rare | seltenselten (anthology)
    garland rare | seltenselten (anthology)
  • Siegespreismasculine | Maskulinum m, -palmefeminine | Femininum f
    garland prize figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    garland prize figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • Rations-, Lebensmittelnetzneuter | Neutrum n
    garland nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF net for provisions
    garland nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF net for provisions
  • Heißstroppmasculine | Maskulinum m
    garland nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF large strap
    großer Stropp zum Masteinsetzen
    garland nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF large strap
    garland nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF large strap
  • Taukragenmasculine | Maskulinum m
    garland nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF ring of rope
    garland nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF ring of rope
[ˈgɑː(r)lənd]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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  • bekränzen
    garland somebody | jemandsb
    garland somebody | jemandsb
  • (etwas) zu einer Girlande windenor | oder od machen
    garland make into garland obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
    garland make into garland obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
[ˈfæsikl]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Bündelneuter | Neutrum n
    fascicle bundle
    fascicle bundle
  • Faszikelmasculine | Maskulinum m
    fascicle book trade: fascicule
    (Teil)Lieferungfeminine | Femininum f
    fascicle book trade: fascicule
    (Einzel)Heftneuter | Neutrum n (eines Werks)
    fascicle book trade: fascicule
    fascicle book trade: fascicule
  • fascicle medicine | MedizinMED → see „fasciculus
    fascicle medicine | MedizinMED → see „fasciculus
  • Leitbündelneuter | Neutrum n
    fascicle botany | BotanikBOT bundle of vascular tissue
    fascicle botany | BotanikBOT bundle of vascular tissue
  • (dichtes) Büschel
    fascicle botany | BotanikBOT large bunch
    fascicle botany | BotanikBOT large bunch
  • Faszikelmasculine | Maskulinum m
    fascicle bundle of files
    Aktenbündelneuter | Neutrum n
    fascicle bundle of files
    fascicle bundle of files

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  • Nordamer. Alpenrosefeminine | Femininum f
    Pinxter (flower) botany | BotanikBOT Azalea nudiflora American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
    Pinxter (flower) botany | BotanikBOT Azalea nudiflora American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Blühermasculine | Maskulinum m
    flowerer botany | BotanikBOT
    flowerer botany | BotanikBOT
  • late flowerer
    late flowerer
  • jemand, der (etwas) mit Blumenmustern verziert
    flowerer rare | seltenselten (person)
    flowerer rare | seltenselten (person)
adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • unbesät
  • unsown flowers
    wilde Blumen
    unsown flowers
[ˈælpaɪn]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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[ˈflauə(r)d]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • mit Blütenor | oder od Blumen geschmückt
    flowered decorated with flowers
    flowered decorated with flowers
  • geblümt, mit Blumenmustern verziert
    flowered in flowery pattern
    flowered in flowery pattern
  • …blütig
    flowered in compounds: relating to type or number of flowers
    flowered in compounds: relating to type or number of flowers
  • …blühend
    flowered blossoming
    flowered blossoming