[ˈvæsəl]noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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- Vasall(in), Lehnsmannmasculine | Maskulinum mvassal history | GeschichteHIST in feudal systemvassal history | GeschichteHIST in feudal system
- Knechtmasculine | Maskulinum mvassal slave poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoetSklavemasculine | Maskulinum mvassal slave poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoetSklavinfeminine | Femininum fvassal slave poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoetvassal slave poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
[ˈvæsəl]adjective | Adjektiv adjOverview of all translations
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- Vasallen…vassal history | GeschichteHIST relating to feudal vassalvassal history | GeschichteHIST relating to feudal vassal
- vassal stateVasallen-, Satellitenstaat
- knechtisch, Sklaven…vassal slave poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoetvassal slave poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
[ˈvæsəl]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tOverview of all translations
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- als Vasall behandeln, unterwerfenvassalvassal