[ʃtaˈtɪst]Maskulinum | masculine m <Statisten; Statisten>Overview of all translations
(For more details, click/tap on the translation)
- supernumeraryStatist Theater | theatre, theaterTHEAT Film, Kino | filmFILMwalk-onStatist Theater | theatre, theaterTHEAT Film, Kino | filmFILMStatist Theater | theatre, theaterTHEAT Film, Kino | filmFILM
- extraStatist besonders in Massenszenen Theater | theatre, theaterTHEAT Film, Kino | filmFILMStatist besonders in Massenszenen Theater | theatre, theaterTHEAT Film, Kino | filmFILM
- bystanderStatist figurativ, in übertragenem Sinn | figurative(ly)figStatist figurativ, in übertragenem Sinn | figurative(ly)fig