„Hoftag“: Maskulinum HoftagMaskulinum | masculine m Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) court day at a manorial court, day of statute labour meeting of spiritual and temporal dignitaries meeting of spiritual and temporal dignitaries Hoftag Geschichte | historyHIST Hoftag Geschichte | historyHIST court day at a manorial court Hoftag Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Geschichte | historyHIST Gerichtstag Hoftag Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Geschichte | historyHIST Gerichtstag day of statute labo(u)r Hoftag Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Geschichte | historyHIST Frontag Hoftag Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Geschichte | historyHIST Frontag