„caboodle“: noun caboodle [kəˈbuːdl]noun | Substantiv s slang | Slang, saloppe Umgangssprache, Jargonsl Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Kram... Bande... der ganze Plunder... die ganze Bande... examples the whole caboodle Krammasculine | Maskulinum m Plundermasculine | Maskulinum m the whole caboodle the whole caboodle Bandefeminine | Femininum f Sippschaftfeminine | Femininum f the whole caboodle the whole caboodle of things der ganze Plunder the whole caboodle of things the whole caboodle of people die ganze Bande, das ganze Pack the whole caboodle of people hide examplesshow examples