„kraulen“: transitives Verb kraulentransitives Verb | verbo transitivo v/t Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) rascar suavemente rascar suavemente kraulen kraulen
„kraulen“: intransitives Verb kraulenintransitives Verb | verbo intransitivo v/i <h.oder | o od s.> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) nadar a crol nadar a crol kraulen Schwimmsport kraulen Schwimmsport
„Kraulen“: Neutrum KraulenNeutrum | neutro n <Kraulens> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) crawl, crol acaricias crawlMaskulinum | masculino m Kraulen Sport | deporteSPORT crolMaskulinum | masculino m Kraulen Sport | deporteSPORT Kraulen Sport | deporteSPORT acariciasFemininum Plural | femenino plural fpl Kraulen Streicheln Kraulen Streicheln