„plätzen“: intransitives Verb plätzen [ˈplɛtsən]intransitives Verb | intransitive verb v/i <h> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) bang, pop scrape the surface of the ground with its front hoofs bark in patches bang plätzen krachen Dialekt, dialektal | dialect(al)dial pop plätzen krachen Dialekt, dialektal | dialect(al)dial plätzen krachen Dialekt, dialektal | dialect(al)dial bark in patches (oder | orod in strips) plätzen FORSTW plätzen FORSTW scrape the surface of the ground (with its front hoofs) plätzen Jagd | huntingJAGD von Rehwild, Rotwild plätzen Jagd | huntingJAGD von Rehwild, Rotwild