[ˈstʌkou]noun | Substantiv s <stuccoes; stuccos>Overview of all translations
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- Stuckmasculine | Maskulinum mstucco architecture | ArchitekturARCH stucco plasterGipsmörtelmasculine | Maskulinum mstucco architecture | ArchitekturARCH stucco plasterstucco architecture | ArchitekturARCH stucco plaster
- Mörtelmasculine | Maskulinum mstucco type of plasterVerputzmasculine | Maskulinum mstucco type of plasterstucco type of plaster
- Stuckarbeitfeminine | Femininum f, -verzierungfeminine | Femininum fstucco decoration made of stuccoStuckaturfeminine | Femininum fstucco decoration made of stuccostucco decoration made of stucco
[ˈstʌkou]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tOverview of all translations
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