adjective | Adjektiv adjOverview of all translations
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- pastoral, seelsorgerisch, -sorglichpastoral religion | ReligionRELpastoral religion | ReligionREL
- pastoral syn vgl. → see „rural“pastoral syn vgl. → see „rural“
noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
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- Schäfer-, Hirtengedichtneuter | Neutrum npastoral poetryIdyllefeminine | Femininum fpastoral poetrypastoral poetry
- Schäfer(sing)spielneuter | Neutrum npastoral musical term | MusikMUS shepherd’s Singspielpastoral musical term | MusikMUS shepherd’s Singspiel
- ländliche Kantatepastoral musical term | MusikMUS rural cantatapastoral musical term | MusikMUS rural cantata
- Pastoraleneuter and feminine | Neutrum und Femininum n/fpastoral musical term | MusikMUS piece of music with rural theme:, instrumentalpastoral musical term | MusikMUS piece of music with rural theme:, instrumental
- Hirtenbriefmasculine | Maskulinum mpastoral religion | ReligionREL message(bischöfliches seelsorgerisches) Sendschreibenpastoral religion | ReligionREL messagepastoral religion | ReligionREL message
- Abhandlungfeminine | Femininum f über Priesterpflichtenpastoral religion | ReligionREL treatise on priestly dutiespastoral religion | ReligionREL treatise on priestly duties