„honorary“: adjective honorary British English | britisches EnglischBr [ˈ(ɒ)nərəri] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS [-reri]adjective | Adjektiv adj Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) ehrend, zur Ehre gereichend Ehren…, ehrenamtlich Ehren… ehrend, zur Ehre gereichend honorary bestowed as honour honorary bestowed as honour Ehren…, ehrenamtlich honorary honorary examples honorary freeman Ehrenbürger honorary freeman honorary member Ehrenmitglied honorary member honorary president ehrenamtlicher Präsident honorary president honorary title Ehrentitel honorary title hide examplesshow examples Ehren… honorary based on honour rather than legally binding honorary based on honour rather than legally binding examples honorary debt Ehrenschuld honorary debt