English-German translation for "collectivity"

"collectivity" German translation

[k(ɒ)lekˈtiviti; -əti]noun | Substantiv s

Overview of all translations

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  • Kollektivitätfeminine | Femininum f
    collectivity collective character
    kollektiver Charakter
    collectivity collective character
    collectivity collective character
  • Gesamtheitfeminine | Femininum f
    collectivity rare | seltenselten (whole)
    Massefeminine | Femininum f
    collectivity rare | seltenselten (whole)
    collectivity rare | seltenselten (whole)
  • (das) Ganze
  • Gesamtheitfeminine | Femininum f des Volkes, Bürgerplural | Plural pl eines Staates
    collectivity especially | besondersbesonders politics | PolitikPOL people
    collectivity especially | besondersbesonders politics | PolitikPOL people
Man könnte sagen, das es um Gemeinschaft, Kollektivität geht.
One could say this is about community, collectivity.
Source: TED
Was wir brauchen ist gesellschaftliches Miteinander, persönliche Verantwortung und Teilnahme.
What is needed is collectivity, personal responsibility and contribution.
Source: GlobalVoices
Sie sind eine Anlage in die Zukunft der Gemeinschaft insgesamt.
It is an investment for the future of the collectivity as a whole.
Source: Europarl

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