„bouse“: transitive verb bouse [baus; bauz]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) anholen, auftaljen anholen, auftaljen bouse nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF bouse nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF examples to bouse taut steif auftaljen to bouse taut to bouse well taut dicht anholen to bouse well taut
„bouse“: intransitive verb bouse [buːz; bauz]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) zechen, ein Trinkgelage halten zechen, ein Trinkgelage halten bouse bouse „bouse“: noun bouse [buːz; bauz]noun | Substantiv s Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Trinkgelage Trank, Trunk Trinkgelageneuter | Neutrum n bouse bouse Trankmasculine | Maskulinum m bouse drink familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg Trunkmasculine | Maskulinum m bouse drink familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg bouse drink familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg