„bol“ bol Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) weit, weit reichlich weit bol bol (zu) weit Schuh, Kleid bol bol reichlich bol bol examples bol bolveya | oder od bol bolamaç in Hülle und Fülle bol bolveya | oder od bol bolamaç bol doğramak vergeuden Geld bol doğramak bol gelirli einbringlich rentabel bol gelirli bol keseden atmak dick auftragen goldene Berge versprechen bol keseden atmak bol sözlü Schwätzer(in)Maskulinum mit Femininendung in Klammern m(f) bol sözlü bol şans(lar) viel Glück bol şans(lar) hide examplesshow examples
„bol“ bol <-lü> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Ballspiel Kegeln Ballspielcinssiz sözcük | Neutrum, sächlich n bol bol Kegelncinssiz sözcük | Neutrum, sächlich n bol bol
„bol“ bol <-lü> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Bowle Bowledişil | weiblich f bol bol