„Zoll“: Maskulinum ZollMaskulinum | maschile m <-[e]s; -> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) pollice polliceMaskulinum | maschile m Zoll Maß Zoll Maß
„Zoll“: Maskulinum ZollMaskulinum | maschile m <-[e]s; Zölle> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) dogana tributo tassa doganale doganaFemininum | femminile f Zoll an der Grenze Zoll an der Grenze tassaFemininum | femminile f (oder | ood impostaFemininum | femminile f) doganale Zoll Abgabe Zoll Abgabe tributoMaskulinum | maschile m Zoll figurativ, in übertragenem Sinn | senso figuratofig Zoll figurativ, in übertragenem Sinn | senso figuratofig