German-English translation for "RNA-Erbgut"

"RNA-Erbgut" English translation

Did you mean erbaut, Raa or RNS?
Neutrum | neuter n

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  • inherited property (oder | orod assetsPlural | plural pl)
    Erbgut Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR ererbtes Gut
    Erbgut Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR ererbtes Gut
  • estate (of a deceased person)
    Erbgut Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Erbmasse
    Erbgut Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Erbmasse
abbreviation | Abkürzung abk (= ribonucleic acid)

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  • RNSfeminine | Femininum f
    RNA chemistry | ChemieCHEM
    RNA chemistry | ChemieCHEM
Abkürzung | abbreviation abk (= ribonucleic acid)

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  • RNA
    RNA Ribonukleinsäure
    RNA Ribonukleinsäure
antisense RNA
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Antisense-RNAfeminine | Femininum f (komplementär zur messenger-RNA)
    antisense RNA biology | BiologieBIOL
    antisense RNA biology | BiologieBIOL