German-English translation for "Lire"

"Lire" English translation

Did you mean Lure, Lore or live?
[ˈliːra]Femininum | feminine f <Lira; Lire>

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  • lira (monetary unit of Italy and Turkey)
    Lira Geschichte | historyHIST
    Lira Geschichte | historyHIST
Femininum | feminine f <Lira; Liren>

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  • lira
    Lira Musik | musical termMUS Geschichte | historyHIST
    Lira Musik | musical termMUS Geschichte | historyHIST
[ˈli(ə)rə; ˈliːrɑː]noun | Substantiv s <lire [-riː; -re], or | oderod liras>

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  • Lirafeminine | Femininum f
    lira Italian monetary unit
    lira Italian monetary unit
  • türk. Pfundneuter | Neutrum n
    lira Turkish monetary unit
    lira Turkish monetary unit
Abkürzung | abbreviation abk (= italienische Liraoder | or od Lire)

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  • l
    Lit. Geschichte | historyHIST
    Lit. Geschichte | historyHIST
Abkürzung | abbreviation abk (= Literatur)

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  • lit.