„Rind“: Neutrum Rind [rɪnt]Neutrum | neuter n <Rind(e)s; Rinder> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) bull, cow beef bos, bovine animal bull Rind Stier Rind Stier cow Rind Kuh Rind Kuh examples Rinder (horned) cattle meistPlural | plural pl Rinder 50 Rinder 50 (head of) cattle 50 Rinder beef Rind als Schlachtvieh Rind als Schlachtvieh bovine animal (oder | orod species) Rind Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Gattg Bos bos Rind Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Gattg Bos Rind Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Gattg Bos