[proˈlepsis]noun | Substantiv s <prolepses [-siːz]>Overview of all translations
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- Prolepsisfeminine | Femininum fprolepsis in rhetoricprolepsis in rhetoric
- Vorausbeantwortungfeminine | Femininum fprolepsis possible objectionsprolepsis possible objections
- Vorwegnahmefeminine | Femininum fprolepsis use of adjective to introduce idea conveyed in sentenceprolepsis use of adjective to introduce idea conveyed in sentence
- Prolepsisfeminine | Femininum fprolepsis philosophy | PhilosophiePHILprolepsis philosophy | PhilosophiePHIL
- unumstößlicher Grundsatz (bei den Stoikern)prolepsis principle amongst Stoics philosophy | PhilosophiePHILprolepsis principle amongst Stoics philosophy | PhilosophiePHIL
- allgemeiner, auf Sinneserfahrung begründeter Begriff (bei den Epikureern)prolepsis general concept amonst Epicureans philosophy | PhilosophiePHILprolepsis general concept amonst Epicureans philosophy | PhilosophiePHIL
- Anachronismusmasculine | Maskulinum mprolepsis rare | seltenselten (anachronism)prolepsis rare | seltenselten (anachronism)