noun | Substantiv sOverview of all translations
(For more details, click/tap on the translation)
- Monogenesefeminine | Femininum fmonogenesis descent from a single pair of ancestorsGleichheitfeminine | Femininum f der Abstammungmonogenesis descent from a single pair of ancestorsmonogenesis descent from a single pair of ancestors
- Monogenesefeminine | Femininum fmonogenesis biology | BiologieBIOLmonogenesis biology | BiologieBIOL
- ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzungmonogenesis asexual reproduction biology | BiologieBIOLmonogenesis asexual reproduction biology | BiologieBIOL
- direkte Entwicklung ohne Metamorphosemonogenesis direct development without metamorphosis biology | BiologieBIOLmonogenesis direct development without metamorphosis biology | BiologieBIOL