„email“: noun emailnoun | Substantiv s, e-mail [ˈiːmeɪl] Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) E-Mail E-Mailfeminine | Femininum f email email examples to check one's emails (seine) Mails checken to check one's emails by email per E-Mail by email to sendsomebody | jemand sb an email jemandem eine E-Mail schicken to sendsomebody | jemand sb an email „email“: transitive verb emailtransitive verb | transitives Verb v/t, e-mail [ˈiːmeɪl] Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) jemandem eine E-Mail schicken... per E-Mail schicken... examples to emailsomebody | jemand sb jemandem eine E-Mail schicken jemandem mailen to emailsomebody | jemand sb to emailsomething | etwas sth something | etwasetwas per E-Mail schicken something | etwasetwas mailen to emailsomething | etwas sth