„پهن“ پهن [pahn] Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) breit, weit breit پهن پهن weit پهن پهن examples پهن کردن ausbreiten پهن کردن
„پهن“ پهن [pehen] Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Mist, Kot Mistمذکر | Maskulinum m پهن پهن Kotمذکر | Maskulinum m پهن پهن examples پهن اسب [pehen-e asb] Pferdeäpfelجمع | Plural pl پهن اسب [pehen-e asb] پهن گاو [pehen-e gāw] Kuhfladenمذکر | Maskulinum m Kuhmistمذکر | Maskulinum m پهن گاو [pehen-e gāw]