„Atlas“: Maskulinum Atlas [ˈatlas]Maskulinum | masculino m <Atlas(ses); Atlasse; Atlanten> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) atlas atlasMaskulinum | masculino m Atlas Geografiebuch Atlas Geografiebuch
„Atlas“: Maskulinum AtlasMaskulinum | masculino m <Atlas> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Atlas AtlasMaskulinum | masculino m Atlas Geografie | geografíaGEOG Mythologie | mitologíaMYTH Atlas Geografie | geografíaGEOG Mythologie | mitologíaMYTH
„Atlas“ Atlas <Atlasoder | o od Atlasses> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) atlas atlasMaskulinum | masculino m Atlas Anatomie | anatomíaANAT Atlas Anatomie | anatomíaANAT
„Atlas“ Atlas <Atlasoder | o od Atlasses; Atlasse> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) satén, raso saténMaskulinum | masculino m Atlas Textilindustrie | textilesTEX Seidenatlas Atlas Textilindustrie | textilesTEX Seidenatlas rasoMaskulinum | masculino m Atlas Baumwollatlas Atlas Baumwollatlas