German-English translation for "Wahlbezirk"
"Wahlbezirk" English translation
I represent Heathrow Airport, one of the major airports in Europe.
In meinem Wahlbezirk liegt der Flughafen Heathrow, der zu den größten Flughäfen Europas gehört.
Source: Europarl
My own electoral district is also suffering enormously.
Auch mein eigener Wahlbezirk leidet stark.
Source: Europarl
The European Union has always been very supportive of my constituency of Northern Ireland.
Die Europäische Union hat meinem Wahlbezirk Nordirland stets sehr viel Rückhalt gegeben.
Source: Europarl
I have certainly tried to do this in Scotland, in my own constituency.
Dies habe ich in meinem eigenen Wahlbezirk in Schottland gewiss versucht.
Source: Europarl
My constituency in Wales includes some of Europe's poorest communities.
In meinem Wahlbezirk in Wales liegen einige der ärmsten Kommunen Europas.
Source: Europarl
- Europarl
- Source: OPUS
- Original text source: Europäisches Parlament
- Original database: Europarl Parallel Corups