German-English translation for "seraphs"

"seraphs" English translation

Did you mean Serapis?
[ˈzeːraf]Maskulinum | masculine m <Seraphs; Serapheoder | or od Seraphim [-fiːm]>

Overview of all translations

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  • seraph
    Seraph Religion | religionREL
    Seraph Religion | religionREL
[ˈserəf]noun | Substantiv s <seraphs; seraphim [-fim]>

Overview of all translations

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  • Seraphmasculine | Maskulinum m (einer der höchsten Engel der himmlischen Hierarchie)
Seraphic Doctor
noun | Substantiv s

Overview of all translations

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  • Doctormasculine | Maskulinum m seraphicus, himmlischer Lehrer (Beiname des heiligen Bonaventura)
    Seraphic Doctor
    Seraphic Doctor