German-English translation for "rubble"

"rubble" English translation

  • Bruchsteineplural | Plural pl
    rubble fragments of rock
    Schottermasculine | Maskulinum m
    rubble fragments of rock
    rubble fragments of rock
  • Bruchsteinmasculine | Maskulinum m
    rubble rough stone
    rubble rough stone
  • (Stein)Schuttmasculine | Maskulinum m
    rubble geology | GeologieGEOL debris
    Geröllneuter | Neutrum n
    rubble geology | GeologieGEOL debris
    Trümmergesteinneuter | Neutrum n
    rubble geology | GeologieGEOL debris
    rubble geology | GeologieGEOL debris
  • Geschiebeneuter | Neutrum n
    rubble boulders
    Geröllneuter | Neutrum n
    rubble boulders
    rubble boulders
  • Feldstein-or | oder od (rohes) Bruchsteinmauerwerkneuter | Neutrum n
    rubble masonry
    rubble masonry
  • loses Packeis
    rubble pack ice
    rubble pack ice
  • in grobe Stücke gebrochene Masse
    rubble generally | allgemeinallgemein (rough pieces)
    rubble generally | allgemeinallgemein (rough pieces)
[ˈrʌbli]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • mit (Stein)Schuttor | oder od Geröll bedeckt
    rubbly covered in rubble
    rubbly covered in rubble
  • bruchsteinähnlich, -artig
    rubbly like rubble
    rubbly like rubble
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Estrichmasculine | Maskulinum m (gepflasterter Fußboden)
rubble masonry

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building rubble recycling
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Bauschuttrecyclingneuter | Neutrum n
    building rubble recycling
    building rubble recycling