German-English translation for "plash"

"plash" English translation

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[plæʃ]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t &intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i

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  • (Zweige) zu einer Hecke verflechten
    plash branches: form into hedge
    plash branches: form into hedge
[plæʃ]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/i poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet

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[plæʃ]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet

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  • platschenor | oder od klatschen auf (accusative (case) | Akkusativakk)
    plash splash
    plash splash
[plæʃ]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Platschenneuter | Neutrum n
    plash splashing
    Plätschernneuter | Neutrum n
    plash splashing
    Klatschenneuter | Neutrum n
    plash splashing
    Spritzenneuter | Neutrum n
    plash splashing
    plash splashing
  • Pfützefeminine | Femininum f
    plash puddle, swamp poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
    Lachefeminine | Femininum f
    plash puddle, swamp poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
    Pfuhlmasculine | Maskulinum m
    plash puddle, swamp poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
    Sumpf(lochneuter | Neutrum n)masculine | Maskulinum m
    plash puddle, swamp poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
    plash puddle, swamp poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet