German-English translation for "SED-Regime"

"SED-Regime" English translation

Did you mean Regie or Sek.?
[ˈsedətiv]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • sedativ
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
  • (nerven)beruhigend
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
  • schmerzlindernd, -stillend
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
[ˈsedətiv]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Sedativ(um)neuter | Neutrum n
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
  • (Nerven)Beruhigungsmittelneuter | Neutrum n
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
  • schmerzstillendes Mittel
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
    sedative medicine | MedizinMED
, also | aucha. régime [reiˈʒiːm]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Regimeneuter | Neutrum n
    regime politics | PolitikPOL
    Regierungsformfeminine | Femininum f
    regime politics | PolitikPOL
    (Regierungs)Systemneuter | Neutrum n
    regime politics | PolitikPOL
    regime politics | PolitikPOL
  • (vor)herrschendes System
    regime prevailing system
    regime prevailing system
abbreviation | Abkürzung abk (= Scottish Education Department)

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  • schottisches Bildungsministerium
[reˈʒiːm(ə)]Neutrum | neuter n <Regime(s); Regime [-mə]; selten Regimes [-ˈʒiːms]>

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  • regime
    Regime Herrschaft
    auch | alsoa. régime
    Regime Herrschaft
    Regime Herrschaft
  • regime
    Regime Regierungsform
    auch | alsoa. régime, (form of) government
    Regime Regierungsform
    Regime Regierungsform
Femininum | feminine f (= Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands)

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  • Socialist Unity Party of Germany
    SED DDR Geschichte | historyHIST
    SED DDR Geschichte | historyHIST
military regime
noun | Substantiv s

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puppet regime
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Marionettenregimeneuter | Neutrum n
    puppet regime
    puppet regime
tax regime
noun | Substantiv s

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[viˈʃiː-]Femininum | feminine f, Vichy-RegimeNeutrum | neuter n

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  • Vichy government (oder | orod regime)
    Vichy-Regierung Geschichte | historyHIST
    Vichy-Regierung Geschichte | historyHIST
Neutrum | neuter n

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