German-English translation for "Humboldt-Kalmar"

"Humboldt-Kalmar" English translation

[ˈkalmar]Maskulinum | masculine m <Kalmars; Kalmare>

Overview of all translations

(For more details, click/tap on the translation)

  • squid
    Kalmar Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Gattg Loligo
    Kalmar Zoologie | zoologyZOOL Gattg Loligo
  • Gemeiner Kalmar L. vulgaris
    European squid
    Gemeiner Kalmar L. vulgaris
Humboldt Current
[ˈhʌmboult]noun | Substantiv s

Overview of all translations

(For more details, click/tap on the translation)

  • Humboldt-, Perustrommasculine | Maskulinum m
    Humboldt Current geography | GeografieGEOG
    Humboldt Current geography | GeografieGEOG