„Patrozinium“: Neutrum Patrozinium [patroˈtsiːnɪ̆ʊm]Neutrum | neuter n <Patroziniums; Patrozinien [-nɪ̆ən]> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) patronage, patronate patron saint’s patronage of a church feast of the patron saint of a church patronage Patrozinium Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Geschichte | historyHIST patronate Patrozinium Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Geschichte | historyHIST Patrozinium Rechtswesen | legal term, lawJUR Geschichte | historyHIST patron saint’s patronage of a church Patrozinium Religion | religionREL Patrozinium Religion | religionREL feast of the patron saint of a church Patrozinium Religion | religionREL Patronatsfest Patrozinium Religion | religionREL Patronatsfest