„feist“: Adjektiv feist [faist]Adjektiv | adjective adj <feister; feistest> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) fat, stout, corpulent, plump chubby, plump fat, in grease fat feist Figur etc stout feist Figur etc corpulent feist Figur etc plump feist Figur etc feist Figur etc chubby feist Gesicht plump feist Gesicht feist Gesicht fat feist Tiere in grease feist Tiere feist Tiere
„Feist“: Neutrum FeistNeutrum | neuter n <Feistes; keinPlural | plural pl> Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) grease grease Feist Jagd | huntingJAGD Feist Jagd | huntingJAGD