„air pocket“: noun air pocketnoun | Substantiv s Overview of all translations (For more details, click/tap on the translation) Fallbö, Luftloch Luftblase, Lunker Fallböfeminine | Femininum f air pocket aviation | LuftfahrtFLUG Luftlochneuter | Neutrum n, -sackmasculine | Maskulinum m (Stelle niedrigerer Luftdichte) air pocket aviation | LuftfahrtFLUG air pocket aviation | LuftfahrtFLUG Luftblasefeminine | Femininum f air pocket engineering | TechnikTECH bubble Lunkermasculine | Maskulinum m (in Gussstücken) air pocket engineering | TechnikTECH bubble air pocket engineering | TechnikTECH bubble